Introducing DeFi Strategies.
Explore investment strategies in Open Finance through a trading simulator.
I’m excited to share another educational resource that I’ve been working on to compliment DeFi product tutorials: DeFi Strategies.
Combining available DeFi products, DeFi Strategies helps you explore investment opportunities in Open Finance through hypothetical scenarios. See how your Gain/Loss could change with each strategy given different investment parameters (i.e. your hypothetical investment amount, forecasted ETH price, investment period, etc.)
Here’s how it works:
Browse available investment strategies. I’m starting out with 3 basic strategies focused on Aggressive/Moderate/Conservative ETH growth and will be adding more as product tutorials are released. Each strategy consists of different ETH trade positions and how much of your investment would be allocated to each position. For example, Moderate strategy recommends you allocate 50% of your invested amount to ETH Long 2X Leverage position, 25% to purchasing ETH 20 Day Moving Average TokenSet and 25% to generating interest with cDai. You can click on each trade allocation to view available DeFi products and tutorials to execute selected trade.
Right below trade allocations section, see what your asset exposure would look like if you invested $X amount using a particular strategy. For example, if current price of ETH is $200 and you invested $10,000 using Moderate ETH strategy, your resulting asset exposure would be 2,500 cDai (25% allocation to interest generation) and 50 ETH (25 ETH from 50% TokenSets allocation and 25 ETH from 20% allocation to 2X leverage position). You can change your hypothetical investment amount by clicking edit icon on top right.
Next, see what your Gain/Loss would look like and how much interest would accrue if price of ETH reached $X amount within X number of days. You can edit your forecasted ETH price, leverage amount, interest rates and trade duration to see how they effect your Gain/Loss.
Keep in mind this is a MVP. I’m starting out with very basic strategies and parameters to play around with. Many UI changes to come based on your feedback so keep it coming!
Features I’m thinking of adding soon:
- Execute and manage multiple strategy trades in one 'bundled' transaction.
- More details on product pages, highlighting risks, comparing interest rates, liquidation price levels, and price slipages.
- Live product stats. Things like current lend/borrow interest rates for quick comparison.
- Compare Gains/Losses between investment strategies.
- Additional paramaters to simulate Gains/Losses.
- More interactive charts and explantions.
- Ability to create your own strategy.
- DeFi Glossary tab.
1/ Incredibly proud to share our Kyber hackathon project: - allocate your capital across @compoundfinance @b0xNet @tokensets and others, in a single transaction. Zap is a smart contract that auto-spreads incoming deposits based on pre-set allocations 👇F