⚡️Supercharge your ETH in one-click ⚡️
Start generating trading fees + SNX staking rewards for pooling sETH on Uniswap.
If you want to keep your exposure 100% in ETH - sETH Unipool Zap allows for one-click adding liquidity to sETH Pool on UNiswap using just ETH. This way you remain exposed to ETH price while generating fees from people trading ETH/sETH on Uniswap Pool PLUS extra SNX staking rewards if you are pooling sETH for >1week. (Learn more about sETH uniswap staking rewards on their discord)
Why is this important?
sETH Unipool Zap cuts the process from 3+ Metamask interactions into 1. Allowing end-users to simply input how much ETH they wish to supply, without worrying about how much sETH is needed to match.
Entering with just one token also allows investors to better track returns. Keep in mind supplying liquidity on Uniswap is for experienced traders only, you should fully understand how this works before making any financial investments.
DeFiZap.com UI Walk-through:
STEP 1: Visit https://defizap.com/zaps/unipoolseth and click ⚡️USE THIS ZAP
STEP 2: Select your desired buy amount, confirm with Metamask signature and wait for the transaction to settle.
My transaction: https://etherscan.io/tx/0xb00303cbb42af315c4d19c9673eb9085a334397d1f688b8bb0f1e8200397ef49
Total Gas fee: $0.09!
What happens after?
Once you receive your ETH/sETH Uniswap Liquidity tracking tokens, you can track your returns on pools.fyi
Withdraw liquidity when desired on uniswap.exchange (e.g. try a week and analyze your ROI).
It’s important to note: when you use DeFiZap, you mint & receive the same liquidity/position tracking tokens as when separately using Uniswap, Compound, bZx, TokenSets, Synthetix, etc. on your own.
DeFiZap doesn’t spread your money into 'top 10 on coinmarketcap' - Zaps infuse capital into DeFi protocols built on top of Ethereum, furthering user adoption.
We do not charge any fees, all Zaps are free to use and we don’t control or hold any users funds. If you want to, as someone providing great UI for your end users, you could charge a fee, again that is up to you. Hit us up if you are interested in doing that on discord: https://discord.gg/FjDj3Xf
sETH Unipool Zap smart contract was registered with the Ethereum Name Service under sETHUnipool.DeFiZap.eth so that adding liquidity on Uniswap is as easy as sending a text.
Note: make sure your gas limit is set to 1,500,000.
Quick video guide by Chris Blec:
Using DeFiZap by DeFi Dude:
Great summary of DeFiZap by Cooper Turley from DeFi Rate.
Community love:
Disclosure: This is not investment advice. Please consult your own independent investment advisor before making any investment decisions.